The international public art project Billboart Gallery Europe focuses
on the presentation of contemporary visual art in urban public spaces.
The project is based on the network cooperation among selected curators
from Central and Eastern European countries. However the project
is aimed to build a functioning structure of a communication network
of local billboard galleries all over Europe, with further possible
expansion also to the other regions as well. The network concept
is the crucial point of the whole project.
Non-commercial and non-profit Billboart Gallery Europe aims to
initiate the establishment of networked billboard galleries, placed
in the exposed areas of European cities. Billboard surfaces are
being transformed to the permanent exhibition space and provide
a platform for the communication among participating countries.
Reciprocal exchange of artistic or curatorial projects, together
with simultaneously running exhibitions, help to establish new interconnecting
links. This way of presentation not only opens a communication scope
of artwork, but it also helps to broaden its target group - by including
incidental spectators into the intended audience.
Billboart Gallery Europe exhibition program, by reflecting wider
cultural and social context of individual countries, consists of
international and regional parts, subordinated to mutual discussion
of participating curators. The circulation of the projects within
the network scale, secures the successful sustainability of the
idea of crossborder cooperation and communication. Another specific
of the project is continuously updated database of artistic projects
and artists all over the world, exclusivelly built for Billboart
Gallery Europe needs.