Project description

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The planning program Billboart Gallery Europe will be continually actualized.

  • Enlargement of the project, integration of other countries
    - Continually
  • Preparatory works on the project TEST ROOM presented on the Billboart Gallery Europe web site
    - Till August 2003
  • Opening of the project via the PILOT EXHIBITION in several cities in a limited number of countries
    - October 2003
  • Arrangement of the international program will be realized after the project's nominations and voting procedure for each project in Professional Council. The scheduling and timing of the First European exhibition can not yet be definitely set, since acquisitions of the financial resources on the local and the supra - national level will be raised continually.
    - Winter 2003/4
  • Realization of the regional projects and the preparation of the annual program for the next year.
    - Spring 2004
  • Opening of the 2th annual exhibition
    - winter 2004
  • Start of the regional project Sublabel Czech and the preparation of the annual program for the next year.
    - Spring 2005
  • Preparation of the Central-European project DonauMonarchy.
    - Winter 2005
  • Opening of the Central-European project DonauMonarchy and preparation of the Conference Public Art topic for this year.
    - March 2006

Billboart Gallery Europe